Dear Friends,
Following last December victory in High Court against the unlawful PIP (Personal Independence Payment) changes applied since March 2017 on individuals that suffer from mental illnesses, apparently DWP will have to review 1.6 million PIP claims. “Nobody is going to be called in for a face-to-face assessment, and nobody is going to have money taken away from them”, Sarah Newton said (Minister for disabled people). People that had their benefits turned down or slashed need to appeal.We hope the reviewing won't be stirring further concerns and misery, and that people with chronic and enduring mental health issues and other disabilities will be receiving the right care required.
Firearms are certainly a danger, but what about the big pharma/psychiatry damages caused to modern society?Let's not forget that if the shooter was a darker colored person he'd probably been classified as terrorist and killed right away.
Our monthly meeting is taking place Mon the 19th. We'll meet for the CRPD study group on Wed the 28th Feb (it's not needed to be enrolled in the course to take part to the group; lived experience and desire to see changes in the system are good causes). Both meetings are taking place between 6:30-8:30pm at LARC, 62 Fieldgate Street, Whitechapel E1 1ES.
Do find some extra news and updates to follow and, if not done yet, please take part in the following Survey.
Independent Review of the Mental Health Act - Have your say in this online Survey (DEADLINE 28 February 2018)
Survey for people who have been sectioned under the mental health act and/or supported someone who has been sectioned.
You can download the survey relevant to you if you prefer and post it to the following address (must arrive by 28/2/18): Independent Review of the Mental Health Act 39 Victoria Street, London SW1H 0EU
URGENT - Calling all BME mental health service users with experience of being detainedFocus group for Mental Health Act Review
Kings Fund, Attend 11-13 Cavendish Square, London W1G 0AN (run by National Survivor User Network) Fri 23 February, to start at 10.45am till 5pm with breaks and lunch, plus £15 honorarium for each participant.
Detentions under the Mental Health Act are disproportionately used against people from Black, Asian and other Minority Ethnic communities. So, despite the jaded sense that nothing really changes, it is vital that BME service users/survivors who have experience of being detained get their voice heard at this focus group. Please contact for details.
The law that closed the asylums. Talk by Professor John Foot (Bristol University)
Mad Poets Speak poetry open mic night
Sat 24 February 7-8:30 pm Common House 5e Punderson's Gardens Unit 5E London E2 9QG. Cost: £2.68
Stop and Scrap Universal Credit -
DPAC Day of Action to Bring an end to #CrimesAgainstClaimants
Thursday 1st March - Nationwide - Join the Thunderclap
DPAC believes that Universal Credit has too many flaws to be simply paused and fixed – it must be stopped and scrapped. It is rotten to the core. Universal Credit is the punishing regime due to be more widely imposed on people with low incomes both those in and out of work. Seven million households will be affected, including over one million low paid part-time workers. For the first time ever people in work could face being sanctioned (having their benefits stopped) if they don’t prove to the job centre that they’re searching for better paid work or more hours. Pensioner couples will also be affected if one of them is under pension age. Universal Credit is an economic and political disaster bringing further distress and impoverishment to those forced to endure it. To date at least £15.8 billion has been wasted on its implementation yet it will only save £1 billion to 2022. No civilized Government should impose this on its citizens and no opposition party should want to simply pause and fix it
NO More Deaths on our Streets protest - Supported by DPAC- Disabled People Against Cuts
Sat 3 March 3-6 pm. Gathering outside Downing Street to say enough is enough. No More Deaths on our Streets. Getting together to organise how to prevent any further needless deaths, since another rough sleeper died on the cold London streets just yards from Parliament this week
Please bring along sleeping bags & other essential supplies that will keep people alive that will be distributed on the day to those that may need them across London.
Women’s Strike – March 8th, Worldwide.
In solidarity with Women’s Strike, DPAC supports the Women’s Strike in London. Taking place in more than 56 countries on International Women’s Day, the strike, organised by the Women’s Strike Assembly UK will see women walk out of paid work in offices, shops and factories, as well as unpaid domestic work in homes, communities and bedrooms.
London: 1pm Women’s Strike Assembly Russell Square, WCB1 – all genders, kids welcome, food provided
London: 7pm Sex/Work Strike – all welcome, 55 Dean Street Soho
“Institutional Racism in Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology: Race Matters in Mental Health” by Suman Fernando
The book, by the legendary BME mental health activist, academic and former psychiatrist, is designed to act as a conceptual framework to help activists and practitioners analyse institutionalised racism including within psychiatry – a fundamental issue about power relationships and oppression that many choose to skirt around or do not have the conceptual tools to handle
!cooolest weapons these games ov throneby gobscure & sean
(paperback: £2.85 - excl. VAT; prints on demand in 3-5 business days)
"wz a year when satirists couldnt keep up but heres wee-poem / visualweekly collab thru that strange year (2017 c.e.) - theres greater need than ever to reclaim voices, add yrs into the mix too"
Mental health services excluding the most at risk
London Assembly Report
The prevalence of mental ill-health is significantly higher in LGBT+ communities, disabled people, Deaf people, and those with experience of the criminal justice system. And the issue is compounded by services that do not understand and meet their specific needs. Read more
The Mental Health Act: A Human Rights Perspective -
presented by the National Hearing Voices Network
Amnesty International 17-25 New Inn Yard London, EC2A 3EA
Friday, 27 April 2018 from 10:00 to 16:30, AGM will follow at 5pm
"In this one day event, we invite you to join us to explore the mental health act from a human rights perspective. We will be creating space for discussion, reflection and exploration of the impact the Mental Health Act has had on each of us (and those we care about), and the changes you would like to see happen in the forthcoming review."