Friday, 30 July 2010

Human Therapy IV

Thank You All, Dear Friends, for the buzzing and interesting night we've had all together!
Thank you Dr Moncrieff for sharing your time & knowledge with us.
Thank you Sue for chairing magnificently the event and together with the help of the guys from HUSH for feeding us.
Thank you to all of you that came along to The Kingsley Hall contributing in creating a solid and promising atmosphere, letting your Spirit shine high :)
Thank You from the East End Loonies!!!

Thursday, 8 July 2010

Time Together Magazine

The Summer issue of Time Together magazine contains "A Celebration of Survivor History", a two page feature on the Pageant of Survivor History FEEL had last March 2010, featuring photographs and a review of two of the (many) star performers: Philip Morgan as UkawsawGronniosaw and Sophie Mirrell as herself - Plus the powerful presence of Eric Irwin as seen by Colin Hombrook.
This is just one of the many wonderful features in the magazine.
You will want to buy a copy - But you cannot - It is free! That's right!
One of the best mental health magazines around is free to download from

Time To Change Film

Time To Change are looking for people based in London (within the M25) who have experienced mental health problems to appear in a short online film exploring mental health prejudice.

The Documentary:
The aim of the documentary is to expose the true extent of mental health prejudice, which will be achieved through a unique social experiment designed to challenge societies attitude and behavior towards people with mental health problems.

A person will be followed as they enter a life situation where mental health discrimination may arise for example, dating, searching for a flat share or job hunting.

Who are they looking for:
The ideal person will be someone who is happy and comfortable to talk openly about their experiences. Time to Change wish to find someone, ideally a man whose age will match the Time for Change campaign’s target audience of around 20 to 45 from any backgrounds: ethnicities, careers or lifestyles.
Time to Change will be there to provide support and guidance throughout the process.
The film will launch in September and hopefully who ever takes part will be availble during this time to help advertise the campaign.
Unfortunately, due to filming constraints only those who live in or around London will be considered.

Next Steps:
If you are interested in taking part and want to find out more please drop Emma a line with a few details about your self and a photograph to timetochange@partizan.comor call 0207 851 0216

Mad Hatters Tea Party

Hear, Hear, Hear!!!

The Mad Hatters of Bath invite you to a Mad Hatters Tea Party
Celebrating Mad Pride Day in Bath Abbey Churchyard

Wednesday 14th July 2-4pm

An opportunity to check your normality rating and join us for tea and cakes as we celebrate our right to be bonkers, with dancing, games and entertainment.

Dress to make your heart sing.

If you want to help with the event turn up about 1.30 to help set up, bring tea pots, cups, saucers, plates and cakes and any entertainment skills you have. Dress up in your favourite costume and come on down, it´s certainly the craziest party this year.

We are a pretty knowledgeable bunch of nutters so if you have any questions about how to cope in the land of insanity come along and we´ll see if we can share some tips.

Get in touch with us for more info:

Tel. 01225 33 7787 or 0779 4122 134


Tuesday, 6 July 2010

July events

Dear Friends,

I wish to share some updates following our meeting last month.

Shirin Mustafa, new development worker for the SUIP-Service User Involvement Project, Community Options, joined us and introduced herself. Together with Charly Elliott reminded us of the "Your Say, Your Day" event taking place on Wednesday the 4th of August on the theme of "Relationships" and how mental health affects them. We were also reminded of the SUN meeting happening this Wednesday the 7th, 1.30-3.30: this is a network of service users groups that operates in the borough of Tower Hamlet. At present there are 23 active user groups: well done Tower Hamlets-ers!

Other business that was discussed was the upcoming seminar taking place on the 14th of July at the University of Birmingham
If you are intending to go and are leaving from London, you might find out if seats are still available on the minibus organised by THACMHO (e-mail: or call Fabian: 07908 592 835).
The "Human Therapy IV" event is fast approaching. In the evening we'll have the kind participation of Doctor Moncrieff, followed by presentation and discussion about Complementary therapies and an Open Mike. Music and refreshments will keep us merry before the event start and during a little break. Please make sure you keep the date free and inform whomever might be interested in the subject: Friday 30th July 7-9pm.
Our next meeting is scheduled for the 19th of July at the usual LARC Centre, 62 Fieldgate Street, Whitechapel E1 1ES 6.30-8.30pm. We hope to see you there.
Best wishes!