Tuesday, 25 September 2018

4.48 Psychosis, by Deafinitely Theatre

Playing in London, between 18th Sept and 13rd Oct 2018 (a week after Suicidal Awareness Day, on 10th Sept www.iasp.info, and World Mental Health Day, on 10th Oct www.who.int/mental_health/world-mental-health-day/2015_infosheet/en/), Deafinitely Theatre possibly picked the best of times to launch their newest production Psychosis 4.48, (http://www.newdiorama.com/whats-on/448-psychosis) for the benefit of mental health awareness in the D/deaf community and some D/deaf awareness in the mainstream fields. 
4.48 Psychosis is the last play written by Sarah Kane before she took her own life. The play was staged for the first time in 2000, about 18 months after Kane passed away. Since then the script has reached several theatres around the world, adapted in several languages and variations.
For the first time this play is produced primarily for the D/deaf public, whilst remaining also accessible to the hearing ones. It offers a combination of voice, captions, BSL (British Sign Language) and VV (Visual Vernacular); just how ideally every play should be delivered for my liking.
With this said, note to be added is that there still are times of abstractness where language is a tumultuous stream of thoughts and emotions. at time meaningful at times senseless, just the same way the scattered mind becomes during psychotic states.
To contrast the rambling words, the beautiful visual bursting of feelings and emotions expressed in the acting, fully immerse the senses and attention of the spectators. The constant turmoil of emotions is so vividly expressed, whether it is anger, paranoia, frustration, and the anguish of the mind can be sensed almost incessantly for the full length of the play.  
Deafinitely Theatre's Director, Paula Garfield, has bravely produced a very innovative version of this play, casting two hearing (Jim Fish, Matt Kyle) and two Deaf (Adam Bassett, Brian Duffy) actors. Like well-defined yin & yang elements, clearly doubled up by two on the stage, we experience the dark and the light forces, the warm and the cold, the passive and the active, and the female and male ones, although there is no absolute gender referencing in it.

There are times when all these characters are really manifesting the natural cacophony of personalities within one same individual as in an altered, anomalous state. It’s even striking seeing a seemingly perfectly paired couple in appearance, with Fish and Bassett on stage, especially when, as if swapping roles, the fine line of differences between the Doctor and the patient momentarily vanish.
Brian Duffy, a professional wrestler among his acting career, offers glimpses of the exceptional bouts of the manic force; that supernatural energy that the simple body almost finds impossible to bear and contain, while the mind is taken over by the shades of a twisting brain.From a survivor of psychiatry/ex-patient point of view, I couldn't fail to sense the claustrophobic and oppressive feeling of being locked into that sickly-sterile space; the uneasiness of dealing with often fake-and-emotionally-absent or domineering-hostile members of staff (tip: this can never be a welcomed care attitude that gain success - not generalising either neither here, as many nurses are very caring indeed), and the warm camaraderie of peers, going thought the same ordeal.
There is not right or wrong interpretation of the play of course. Each viewer will take in what they capture more strongly out of it, with possibly very differing responses and emotions stirred among survivors/patients, mental health professionals, carers, family members friend of a patient. Something tells me that possibly everyone fits in one or more of this short categories these days...
Massive congratulations to Deafinitely Theatre for touching such a delicate subject! Especially since mental illness is still covered by stigma, ignorance and neglect in both, the D/deaf and hearing worlds alike. Also of relevant importance is the necessary action towards breaking those barriers where men, often more than women, are so reluctant to disclose, deal, or ask for help, when experiencing emotional anguish and turmoil.
A series of post-show Talks & Discussions have been planned, hosted by Deafinitely Theatre Director Paula Garfield, joined by academics and professionals in the deaf mental health field (FREE, BSL Interpreted events www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/deafinitely-theatre-10641135155). For more information about Deafinitely Theatre 4.48 Psychosis www.deafinitelytheatre.co.uk/blog/the-448-production
There are many reasons that may trigger mental uneasiness in anyone, such as anxiety, depression and stress. It's fundamental that everyone takes the right precautions to take care of his or her wellbeing and mental health, just as we care about our physical health. Better seek for appropriate help when required, as there are plenty of gentle ways to take of ourselves and shift these phases, just by being more mindful of our lifestyle.
However more profound life experiences marked by severe trauma, abuse or neglect, if not dealt with the adequate care, can lead to signs and development of mental illness.
Some mental illness seems to be socially produced, mostly due to the inequalities of life conditions that people experience. There are also a myriad of symptoms masquerading and often being (mis)diagnosed as mental illnesses, when the root cause might have an emotional, physical or spiritual origin. It is not just "all in your head".Drugs and alcohol abuse can also be triggers. Some people forget that prescribed medications are also drugs. With the play touching the delicate topic of suicide and self-harm, it is worth considering that very often the original cause of some difficulties could be the side effect of some medications. Majority of psychiatric medications also affect the brain, having very diverse responses in different people, and over prolonged periods of times. Please consider expanding this important link www.april.org.uk
People generally ignore or downside the importance of hearing in ageing and how it affects people wellbeing. Apparently there's links of people manifesting signs of dementia as their hearing deteriorates while ageing. Isn’t this alarming?Apparently by the age of 70, 70% of people have hearing loss. See www.scie.org.uk/dementia/living-with-dementia/sensory-loss/hearing-loss.asp and www.bmj.com/content/350/bmj.h3029/rr No wonders if many elderly people live in isolation, as often it's due to their difficulties in hearing.
Other than age related, deafness may be originated from a multitude of causes. It can be either congenital, hereditary or acquired through life in an accident or due to an illness. Then we have the Deaf and the deaf. Anyone wanting to expand that (why not?), here there’s some dedicated description for it  www.bbc.co.uk/ouch/opinion/d_or_d_whos_deaf_and_whos_deaf.shtml The rest is all variable uncertainties, in my opinion ;)
There certainly is a higher incidence of mental health distress suffered by D/deaf people of any age, as in many occasions these end up living in abusive relationships, experiencing exclusion, isolation and discrimination. The language/communication barriers generally cause these issues, especially when adjustments necessary in schools or work places are not taken into account.
Sadly bullying and discrimination are often experienced since younger ages, but this can either be avoided and prevented. NDCS (National Deaf Children’s Society) is a good place to start to contribute towards a better World for those perhaps needing some deaf awareness www.ndcs.org.uk/family_support/communication/deaf_awareness/ 
In an ideal world everyone would be a fluent signer, not just to be able to sign with a Deaf person, but really for the beauty of it, as it is a fully expressive form of communication. Among other things, the advantages of using a signed language, rather than speaking, offer the chances to communicate in: noisy places, even far apart across a large rooms; through windows; underwater; while eating/with a full mouth and more!
It is fundamental that everyone does his or her part in taking action towards improving everyday life. It’s not only going to benefit our own wellbeing; society at large can function better, when fair awareness and responsibilities are efficiently taken into account.
Last December the United Nations declared 23 September International Day of Sign Languages wfdeaf.org/news/un-23-sept-as-international-day-of-sign-languages/... so officially this year International Day of Sign Languages was celebrated. Just passed, but it's always time for non-signers to learn some fingerspelling, just to get started for example!
To understand more about Psychosis see: www.ispsuk.org If you are feeling suicidal or know of someone who needs help, browse Help to find a crisis centre anywhere in the world www.iasp.info/resources/Crisis_Centres/
The Samaritans offer a round the clock, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year port of support, available via phone, e-mail and slow mail and at local branches. If you need a response immediately, it's best to call them on the phone (FREE to call). You don't have to be suicidal to call for a chat www.samaritans.org/how-we-can-help-you
NHS 111 can also be useful for emergencies of various natures. It also offers a BSL interpreter service and the typetalk or textphone facility www.nhs.uk/using-the-nhs/nhs-services/urgent-and-emergency-care/nhs-111/
SignHealth psychological therapy has a dedicated service for BSL users www.signhealth.org.uk/our-projects/psychological-therapies-service/
Please, bear with me if you find any grammar or content inaccuracy. There certainly is much more to say about both, mental health and deafness. Not intending to lecture anyone here, yet more awareness is needed and the topic could be discussed more. Wishing to send some hope and support to those that may be feeling vulnerable or seeking for help. We are never alone. Thanks for reading!

Monday, 3 September 2018

September Newsletter

Dear Friends,
It is with profound sadness that we share the news of the passing of two dear friends that have contributed to FEEL over the years, wishing to send our condolence to all their friends and family members.
Kevin Zdaniecki (1952-2018) (Cons. Drs.C Psychologist AFBPS Chartered Member BPS DCP) led a talk for a FEEL event at Kingsley Hall in Nov 2014 and supported FEEL work ever since. Kevin's funeral will take place on Tue 11th September 2018 at 9:30 am at the City of London Cemetery and Crematorium, Aldersbrook Rd, Manor Park, London E12 5DQ.
The brilliant Jazzman John Clarke (1948-2018) was one of FEEL favorite MC at several Poetry events we shared some real memorable times with. A legendary figure in many poetry circuits around London, Jazzman is being remembered and celebrated widely at some of the spots where he was seen performing regularly. 

Here to follow a few tributes organised for him so far, while the funeral still has to be arranged:
- Tue 4 Sept 7pm, Eastbeat, Kingsley Hall, Powis Road, E3 3HJ London
- Thu 6 Sept 7:30-10pm Earl of Chatham Pub, 15 Thomas St Woolwich, London SE18 6HU
- Fri 7 Sept 19:30-23:30; Bingo Master's Breakout, The Betsey Trotwood, 56 Farringdon Road EC1R 3BL London
- Sat 27 Oct, 5-10:30pm, Altogether Elsewhere, Kingsley Hall, Powis Road, E3 3HJ London. 
Please contact Vyvy on Vyvyemail@gmail.com if willing to contribute to the special zine dedicated to John being collected together for this event (deadline for submissions 15 Sept. More info at the bottom of the page).

Our monthly FEEL meeting for September will be taking place at LARC on Monday 17th, 6:30-8:30pm. Do join us if you can. More events and news listing to follow. 


 "A Disorder for Everyone!"
Challenging the culture of psychiatric diagnosis
Thu 6 Sept 9am – 5pm, Amnesty International 25 New Inn Yard London EC2A 3EAContributors for the 10th event of AD4E will include Dr Lucy Johnstone, Dr Jacqui Dillon, Prof John Read, Clare Shaw, Dr Akima Thomas, Laura Delano, Jo Watson & Nollaig McSweeney.
To book: www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/a-disorder-for-everyone-challenging-the-culture-of-psychiatric-diagnosis-and-exploring-trauma-tickets-41295898143
Twitter: @dropthedisorder;
AD4E website: www.adisorder4everyone.com;


Fight Disability Discrimination on Public Transport - Crowdfund by a group of Paralympians and disability rights activists who are raising the money to set up a legal fund to help disabled people bring court cases to challenge discrimination they face on public transport.
Pledge and share! 24 days to go


NSUN London Digital Leaders Lab
NSUN invites representatives from user-led member groups across London to a free networking, sharing and design programme on 4th, 5th and 6th September 2018.210 Borough High Street London SE1 1JX. To book and more info: E: info@nsun.org.uk Ph. 020 7820 8982


Bobby Baker's Great & Tiny War
Friday 7 September to Friday 9 November, 133 Sidney Grove, Newcastle upon Tyne
Great &Tiny War is an ingenious, immersive, multimedia audio-guided installation set to transform a house in Newcastle. Commissioned by 14-18 NOW, this major new work is peppered with happenings of unpredictable proportions. It's inspired by real stories, passed down through Bobby Baker's family and shaped by the domestic and emotional labour of conflicts. Book tickets here: wunderbar.org.uk/gtw/great-tiny-war/


News from Nowhere Club
‘I Ain't F***ing Doing That!’ Working with People No One Wants to Work With. Speaker: Charlie Weinberg
Saturday 8th Sept, The Epicentre, West St E11 4LJCharlie is Executive Director of Safe Ground, the award winning national charity using arts education and therapeutic group work to challenge people in prison, professionals and policy makers to do relationships differently. She will talk about how working with people who struggle to trust is a lifetime's mission.Entry only from 7.30pm Buffet, 8pm Talk. Free entry / donations welcome / raffle / all welcome / no need to book Enquiries 0208 555 5248


NETWORK MEETING London Hearing Voices Network incorporating Paranoia & Beliefs Network
Monday 10th Sept, 2pm - 5pm Conway Hall 25 Red Lion Square London WC1R 4RLSpeaker: Roz Austin, Research Associate at York University and founder of the Educational Voice Hearing Network based at St Catherine's College, Oxford. Roz will speak about 'Emily's Voices' (available to buy from Amazon).Network Meetings are primarily a chance for Hearing Voices Group Facilitators to meet other facilitators, share successes and gain support around challenges. Meetings are open to group members too, so please print the details and hand them round at your Hearing Voices Group meetings. We are happy to welcome people not currently involved with a group, but please contact LHVN (email: lhvn@mindincamden.org.uk or call: 020 7241 8978) first as a courtesy.


Mental Wealth Festival
Mon 10th & Tue 11th September. Happening between City Lit, The National Gallery and Houses of Parliament. www.mentalwealthfestival.co.uk/


Survivor's Poetry (every second Thursday of the month)
Thu 13th Sept, 8 – 10.30pm. Arrive 7.30pm to sign up for floorspots (1.50 floorspots / 2.50 concessions / 3.50 the full ticket)The Poetry Cafe, 22 Betterton St, Covent Garden, London WC2H 9BXAn evening of Poetry and song. MC George Tahta, Featured Guest Colin Hambrook
Facebook: Survivor's Poetry Gigs


Sanity, Madness and the Family, Season 2
Fridays (2nd or 3rd - see website) Aug - Dec 2018 at The Philadelphia Association, 4 Marty's Yard, 17 Hampstead High Street, London NW3 1QW
Doors open at 6:30pm; Film starts at 7:15pm, followed by group discussion. Free entry.
PH: 0207 794 2652; office@philadelphia-association.org.uk; W: www.philadelphia-association.com/events


Institute of Critical Psychiatry – Inaugural Conference
Monday 17 September. Buckingham House, Murray Edwards College, Cambridge


57th Maudsley Debate: ECT by Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience
‘This house believes that electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) has no place in modern medicine.”
Wed, 19 Sept 6:30-7:30pm, Wolfson Lecture Theatre Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience, King's College London 16 De Crespigny Park London SE5 8AF


Funzing Talks: Mental Illness as Shamanic Initiation
Wed 19 Sept 7-9 pm BBB19-23 Bethnal Green Road, Shoreditch, London, E1 6LA (talk starts at 7:30pm)This talk by Jez Hughes ( teacher and practitioner of Shamanism) will explore whether it is possible, or beneficial, to approach mental illness from a psycho spiritual perspective in a society that doesn’t value the spiritual conditions that give rise to sickness and is stuck in bio-chemical causation model.


WORKSHOP: Deconstructing Borderline Personality Disorder, by Mind in Camden
Tuesday, 25 September 10am - 4pm Diorama Arts Centre 201 Drummond Street, Regents Place, NW1 3FE London
Led by Flick Grey is a Mad Studies academic, Intentional Peer Support facilitator, Open Dialogue practitioner.
More info and tickets here: www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/deconstructing-borderline-personality-disorder-tickets-48327964242


Inside - Short Film 2018 - FUNDING
Is it time to listen to the Voices? A film about psychosis by someone who's been there.INSIDE is the second part of Dolly Sen´s Mental Health awareness trilogy. Dolly is a filmmaker and artist with a unique perspective and powerful message about psychosis. With some money already raised we are looking for funding to cover costs to complete the film www.indiegogo.com/projects/inside-short-film-2018#/


Rachel Rowan Olive: coloured by austerityThis showcase was published as part of Dolly Sen’s guest editorship on Disability Arts Online.


CALLING OUT: Everyday Psych Victims Project
A new platform has been created for Survivors for sharing personal negative psychiatric experiences online.Experiences can be shared anonymously at PsychVictims.com


NotTheAnarchistBookfair 2018
The London Anarchist Bookfair has been a crucial fixture in the anarchist calendar since 1983. This year the bookfair is on what -we hope- a very brief hiatus. To go some small way to filling the gap, Freedom Press and Housmans Radical Booksellers have got together to organise a decentralised anarchist festival on the 20th - 21st of October, and we'd like you to get involved!#nottheanarchistbookfair crew, @anarchistfestival (Twitter) OR anarchistfestival@riseup.net (email) FB: www.facebook.com/events/226899004670917/


NSUN Members Event and Annual General Meeting: Theme 'The Future of Peer Support'
Thursday 25 October 10am-10.15am arrival 4.30pm finish. The Roundhouse, Roundhouse Road, Pride Park, Derby DE24 8JE
If would like to secure your place please email info@nsun.org.uk with the subject title Members Event 25.10.18 booking


Open Dialogue Event
25th October 9.30am to 4.45pm, Green Rooms Hotel, 13-27 Station road, Wood Green, London, N22 6UW. Tea, coffee and lunch will be provided! Places will be offered and secured on a first come first served basis. Closing date for applications: Friday 13th September if wishing to register to attend the OD Event at a cost of £10. Email to: camilla.giachero@nhs.net & steven.livingstone1@nhs.net


'Altogether Elsewhere'- A Memorial Tribute Event for Jazzman John
Saturday, 27 October 5-10:30pm, Kingsley Hall Community Centre. The Title 'Altogether Elsewhere' comes from a recent book of poems featuring Jazzman John: sampsonlow.co/2017/01/26/altogether-elsewhere-jazzman-john-robert-clarke/

Doors open: 5pm (please come and bring some food and drink to share before hand and take a moment to write in the journal in memory of John - will be stored at Kingsley Hall) Tribute performances: start before 7pm (see below for performers) Event ends: 10:30pm

VIDEOS & FOOD: If you are able to bring some food or drinks to share or have any videos you'd like shown on the night please contact Noel O'Halloran at mindchangestherapy@gmail.com or www.facebook.com/noel.ohalloran
PERFORMERS: If you are interested in performing during the event please contact Phillip Goodman at www.facebook.com/phillip.r.goodman or email him at goodmanphillip@googlemail.com or you can contact Marina Young at www.facebook.com/marina.young.96
TRIBUTE ZINE: If you would like to contribute some poetry, words, and or images for inclusion in the free zine which will be created in honor of Jazzman John please contact Vyvy on Vyvyemail@gmail.com