Monday, 16 March 2020

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update + FEEL meeting tonight

Dear Friends,

A gentle reminder that our monthly meeting is happening tonight, Monday 16th March 6:30-8:30pm at LARC.

We are aware of the fear and panic that has been circulating since the beginning of the year, due to the outbreak of the COVID-19.
By now the news must have reached everyone that has access to any media outlets. 
Many of us already live in isolation, of a different nature, due to poor health and/or disabilities, and that's why we prefer going ahead with our regular gathering today. 
With the several messages circulating, everyone will have different, if not opposing, views and we leave it up to each grown up individual to decide if leaving home is a risk or not.

General recommendations are to stay at home if you have coronavirus symptoms, or feel/know you are at risk and prefer to protect yourself in isolation to prevent catching the virus. 

Identified symptoms of Covid-19 are high fever, dry cough, breathing difficulty, as lungs and airways are the first attacked; sore throat, runny nose, or gastrointestinal upset could also manifest. It's paramount staying at home and self-isolate if you have the above symptoms, as it will help you heal quicker and prevent the spreading of the virus onto others.
People are being asked to avoid seeking face to face medical help if symptoms are present, staying at home and call 111 if really feeling unwell. GPs and other professionals are also offering extra calls and video calls now, which is one great improvement.

What is being shared in the media is not very clear due to the overload and the so many different sources. We are being told that decisions are based on scientific evidence. Yet, this evidence seem to differ from country to country. Several countries have already entered a total lockdown, closing schools, offices and many other places, incrementing armed forces in the streets to "control" citizens movements, like in Italy (a bit too extreme perhaps? a bit like the return of the fascists during WW2?), while the UK seems to be approaching the case differently. This is not the first and surely won't be the last and things are literally changing by the day.

We also know that this is not the first pandemic and we are privileged at current times with all collective, shared knowledge and experience in order to evaluate what is best for each of us, thanks to previous experiences

The WHO - World Health Organisation - has declared the situation as a viral pandemic outbreak of a global scale. Many are questioning ‘how worried should we be’Does worrying, or panicking even help at all?
"Last time the WHO declared a pandemic was in 2009 for the H1N1 influenza outbreak. At the time, the decision was criticised by some countries which felt that it caused unnecessary panic. It also led to many nations wasting money on vaccines for a strain of flu that proved to be mild and relatively easy to contain."

​A positive news is that​ it seems that the virus is being successfully treated with high doses of intravenous vitamin C
​Possibly paying extra attention in eating a healthier diet and having plenty of foods rich in vitamin C include broccoli, cantaloupe, cauliflower, kale, kiwi, orange juice, papaya, red, green or yellow pepper, sweet potato, strawberries, and tomatoes​, on top of following appropriate hygiene and behavioural routines can be the right medicine.
Our thoughts and prayers are obviously with those who are suffering as a result of the current state of affairs in the world and also with the elderly and those already housebound due to other severe health issues and disabilities and extra difficulties that might be experiencing

Please do consider checking on your vulnerable family members, neighbors and friends that might needs some help, such as getting some groceries or just meeting another human being as they regularly live in isolation. Thoughts are also with the homeless and those families and individuals that were already living in precarious conditions. 

Some ​valuable ​research in dealing holistically with the present and past virus of the Corona type (the present one is not the first one apparently) are shared here:

However there are ​also ​some arguments to consider about the striking association of this virus appearing in conjunction with large scale 5G activation in Wuhan, China, where it seems the virus started spreading since the end of 2019

Other perspective also here:

​If y​ou wish to find out more you can follow further regular local UK updates:

Facts on Coronavirus

Update in British Sign Language

Stay safe ​and calm ​everyone​ keep ​fears and anxiety​y at bay whenever possible, please.
Lets pray for this troubled time shall pass quickly.

Sunday, 8 March 2020

March Newsletter

Dear Friends,

Our meetings each month bring us some lovely surprises in our spontaneous circle. ​In February we were very pleased to welcome back one of our ​fav pro-active aficionado​s​, after re-emerg​ing from a pause, telling us about ​a work-in-progress​ book writing. Another local ally, former founder of what became to be known as the Bipolar Explores about two decades ago (a support group in Tower Hamlets, not the current music group), joined us for the first time, offering a comparison of the services received then and now. Fellow survivor Nelcy C talked about her life experience and the newly shared material she made available recently online (video 1:; video 2: and updated website

One of the main topics we discussed at the meeting was about the forceful and traumatic approach that many of us have experienced ​while being involuntarily admitted to hospital and consequently got sectioned. This might have happened by being picked up on the streets ​by the police, ​if not assaulted and abducted from our own homes, under the "frame of care", maybe after having asked for help and been left on hold, waiting for the services to become available... 
For some people (general population) it might be difficult to figure out these experiences, and ​understand the depth of extra trauma, suffering, ​anger and frustration ​generated ​in ​such delicate situations. Admission periods themselves often turn up to be more traumatic rather than therapeutic for patients, specially as nursing staff are too busy completing endless paperwork, and/or already too tired from overstretched, short-staffed, shifts they cover for.

Recently Ombudsman disclosed that 1 in 5 mental health patients don’t feel safe in NHS care, according to a recent survey

Certainly some people might have also experienced caring and compassionate services/personnel, but why can't proper and gentle care be the norm in psychiatry?
The ambulance specialised in mental health emergencies launched a few years ago in Sweden, last year was replicated in the United States

In the main time a new report, by the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, affirmed that "Involuntary psychiatric interventions based on 'medical necessity' or 'best interests' may well amount to torture."
In Norway forced drugging with antipsychotics is against the law now
What can coercive intervention do if not making things worse? 
Another article tells how Societies With Little Coercion Have Little Mental Illness

While some of us already know by experience about the damaging effects of aggressive and coercive interventions, some are just starting questioning these

New, holistic and expanded approaches on how to deal/treat trauma seem to be more readily available and are worth to get check out, like Embodiment; however these are concepts and services accessed nowhere near mainstream care.

International Women's Day today!
Let's all take the opportunity to acknowledge and appreciate all the women's work in improving lives and society, the battles to overcome past and present struggles and the courage to go ahead in the process #InternationalWomensDay

We wish you can join us for the March FEEL meeting on Monday 16th, 6:30-8:30pm at LARC.


Women's History Month events

Sun 1 Mar 20 - Tue 31 Mar venues across London
Sun 1 Mar 20 - Tue 31 Mar venues across Tower Hamlets and East London


Friday, 6 March,19:00 – 23:30, The Dublin Castle, 94 Parkway, London NW1 7AN


Abortion Rights - the struggle continues, by LARC film club
Sat, 7 March, 14:30 – 19:00pm, LARC 62 Fieldgate Street, London E1 1ES


Open Day with Global Women's Strike and other organisations 
Sun 8 March, 12-5pm, Crossroads Women's Centre, 25 Wolsey Mews, NW5 2DX London


International Women’s Day March on March 8, by Michelle Baharier


International Women's Day Event March 8, Leicester, LE1 5GG


LHVN Network Meeting: Speaker: Dorothy Gould "Experiences of abuse and hate crime"
Wednesday 11th March 2pm - 5pmMind in CamdenBarnes House 9-15 Camden Rd NW1 9LQ


Human Rights Watch Film Festival
London 12-20 March 2020 at Barbican, Curzon Soho, Regent Street Cinema


International Women's Day by
Friday 13 March 10:30-12:30pm, The Brady Centre, 192-196 Hanbury St, London E1 5HU
Join Women's Health & Family Services for a discussion on supporting survivors of abuse through pregnancy and childbirth.

F.E.E.L. - Friends of East End Loonies
FEEL meets the third Monday of each month 6.30 - 8.30 pm ​​LARC 62 Fieldgate Street, Whitechapel, London  E1 1ES

The Nave Presents: We Consume, The Exhibition
19-22 March 2020, Ugly Duck, 49 Tanner Street, Bermondsey London SE1 3PL


The Colour of Health: How Housing and Ethnicity affect Health Outcomes
Wed, 1 April, 2-4pm, The Health Foundation, 8 Salisbury Square, London EC4Y 8AP


ROFA conference 2020. Post-election - what now?
Wed 22 April, 10am – 4pm, Friends Meeting House, 6 Mount Street, Manchester M2 5NS


Julian Assange extradition hearing will continue at Woolwich Court on Monday, May 18, 2020, HM Prison Belmarsh, London

#FREE Assange Protect right to freedom of expression Petition

Release Julian Assange, Petition



Friday 16 – Saturday 17 October 2020, Reykjavik, Iceland


The War on Disabled People - Book by Ellen Clifford


Free copy of Liberty's guide to the Human Rights Act


Consultation on how the DWP treat disabled people (closes at 11:45pm on 23 March 2020)


Survey: What do people with severe and enduring Mental Illness want from clinical pharmacy services?


Drop the Disorder! Challenging the culture of psychiatric diagnosis


Anti-psychotic medication linked to adverse change in brain structure


The Museum of Neoliberalism (visit by appointment only)
16 Eltham Road, London, SE128TF, GBR

5 ways coronavirus could help humanity survive the ecological crisis


The lost decade: the hidden story of how austerity broke Britain


Write to your MP to get the Windrush Lessons Learned Review published
Protect Afro textured hair! Amend the UK Equality Act to include hair
Anyone willing to come off psychiatric medication please always seek for reliable help.
Some good resources can be found here: