I would like to thank all of you at FEEL for the invitation to speak to you all tonight. It’s always a pleasure to speak to fellow MH Survivors.
Nat asked me here tonight to speak on current social security benefit changes and about the United Nations Convention of the rights of People with Disabilities. Before I begin, I would like to say and stress, that we at DPAC pass benefit information along, we sign post people to the relevant welfare rights services or groups, and we always recommend that wherever possible you seek independent welfare rights advice, as we are not welfare rights advisors or welfare rights trained.
As am sure many of you may have heard, from 29 th September 2017 when being reassessed for ESA and for a WCA, when having an assessment, the Maximus healthcare professional will consider whether the condition you have or its functional effect will meet the new severe conditions criteria, and where the criteria is met the HCP will advise that no further assessment is made, however this is subject to two things, if you have a change of circumstances, i.e., you have a partner move in with you, or a partner leaves, you are subjected to a new assessment, and as this new guidance is discretionary, there will be no right to appeal.
The Limited Capacity for Work/Limited Capacity for Work Related Activity means now the claimant has to meet one of the descriptors in the ESA 50 questionnaire, for example, personal action, coping with change, engaging socially, behaving appropriately. Then all 4 of the following criteria must also be met, these are: that the condition is lifelong, the level of function will always meet limited capacity for work, no change in the condition and no realistic prospect of recovery.
It is important to highlight here now, as with everything with the DWP, implementation will be key. There have already been questions raised about this, for example, will this new guidance be limited to a number of people found to meet the criteria, ie conditions like dementia, Huntingdon’s disease for example. What if a disability assessor and a claimant GP or consultants disagree about realistic prospect of recovery? Could a disability assessor who is neither GP nor a consultant override a GP or consultant in that regard?
We all know from experience don’t we, that assessors do not taken into account medical evidence from our drs, do not understand fluctuating conditions and the appeal rate for ESA at around 65 per cent successful appeal decisions overturned speak for themselves.
To that end, it is important that everyone here feeds into the DWP Parliamentary Select Committee enquiry appeal for evidence on ESA/PIP of which the deadline to submit evidence is November 10 th 2017, details of who to send written evidence to can be found in the DPAC website link. The enquiry will be looking at: the entire assessment process for ESA/PIP, what works, what does not, the appeals process and its so important to share your personal experience of this, how it affected you from start to finish, the impact it has had, and if it has caused further distress to you.
As many of you would have seen in the news and on social media, the secretary of state, David Gauke is determined to continue with the roll out of universal credit, and it is important to stress, that if you report a change of circumstances to the DWP, i.e., partner moves in, or partner leaves for example, you will be treated as a new claim for Universal Credit, and as a new claim you will not be given transitional protection. However, if you are naturally migrated to UC which the DWP says they hope to begin this in July 2019 (this means what top of award you may get, however this is only
available for some people and not available to all yet) its so ambiguous and complicated. The Daily Mirror newspaper is looking for personal experiences of UC and people to share their stories if you are in receipt of it. Details of which can also be found on the DPAC website.
I now need to say to you here tonight, that under Universal Credit, there will be no severe disability premium, or enhanced disability premium, it simply disappears, and disabled people could stand to lose up to £78.35p a week. We are asking you to contact your MP to tell them what you think of this appalling cut, which will plunge disabled people further into poverty and if you can let DPAC know you have written to them, and any response you get.
It needs to be stressed, that under universal credit to date, evictions have risen by 50 per cent that you can wait upwards of 3 months for a payment. That when you apply for UC your housing benefit automatically stops and you go into arrears. That people with a mental health condition under Universal Credit will be responsible for paying their own rent under UC that it will not be paid directly to your landlord or housing association anymore. When Southwark piloted claimants paying their own rent via UC 90 per cent of claimants went in to arrears when having to pay the rent on their own. With UC, with an online application it is important that Mental Health claimants get an appointee, perhaps two if one is holiday to assist them with the application, deal with any work coach queries as they arise. Support is the key, knowing what your rights are hugely important. Everyone will be subjected to the claimant conditionality, and the ever rising threat of sanctions.
We are also asking people to write to your MP about the appalling UC helpline that the DWP has set up to help with questions. This helpline has a charge of 55p a minute from a landline or mobile, we all know with hanging on the phone listening to four seasons you can wait longer than an hour for someone to answer you. Labour worked out that the total cost of waiting to speak to someone on the UC helpline is £33 per hour. None of us can afford it. We have taken to calling it the Gauke Tax and we ask you to join us in getting the Gauke tax scrapped! No one should be phoning for help and getting charged for it. It’s another way for the DWP to take money from us!
There is a lot of information about Universal Credit, and the implications of it. I am going to give you a couple of dates for training workshops on UC. They are being run by a fellow disability campaigner, Gail Ward, from Black Triangle and DPAC, and they are as follows:
Anarchist BookFair: Saturday 28 th October 2017. 10 am-7pm at Park View School, Park View Road, London, N15 3QR details of which can be found on the anarchist book fair website http://anarchistbookfair.org.uk/
The workshop will be from 1 to 3 pm if you wish to come along, please contact the anarchist book fair to book a place.
The MHRN (mental health resistance network) will also be holding a workshop on Universal Credit training on Monday 30 th October 2017 at the Field Community Centre, 285 Queen’s Road, SE15 5JB from 11am until 4pm with lunch provided, and Please RSVP to MHRN to book your place as spaces will be severely limited due to the small space.
You have all heard about the United Nations Inquiry re the convention of the rights of people with disabilities. The UK is the first party state to be formally investigated of grave (severe) and systematic (continuous and built into the system of welfare reform policies) breaking of rights under the UNCRPD. DPAC instigated the enquiry in 2012, and it needs to be stated that to contact the UN using the UNCRPD you must exhaust all avenues of the countries court legal system first. DPAC instigated the UNCRPD inquiry using optional protocol 6 meaning a formal process was carried out by DPAC to submit complaints and submissions. This process meant documents needed to be written in a particular way with attention to separate articles within the UNCRPD, and strong evidence needed to be framed accordingly. The use of the UNCRPD protocol formal process with the strict guidelines followed was the first of its kind for grave and systematic human rights violations towards disabled people.
Evidence was submitted in 2013, and since then thousands of disabled people, campaign groups, and charities have submitted evidence and given testimony throughout 2014 and 2015. The UNCRPD gave its findings in a report that the government was in breach of the CRPD convention with grave and systematic human rights violations and recommended that the UK government carry out 11 recommendations from the report. The UK government met this request with a shrug and ignored the report. One of the recommendations was that the government carry out a cumulative impact assessment of all the welfare reforms and cuts to services on disabled people.
In August 2017 disabled groups and campaigners met with the CRPD committee in Geneva and submitted further evidence to the committee, the committees judgement was that the cuts are causing a human catastrophe on disabled people’s lives, and its important to never forget the tragic human impact of the cuts on people in mental distress and the deaths of disabled people. That there has been a ramping up of suicides due to the WCA and constant reassessments under PIP and ESA and benefit sanctions. It must be noted that the government has consistently misled the public on the impact of the austerity agenda, refusing to answer questions and mis use statics in their counter arguments around the UNCRPD report allegations.
The question is what can be done to continue the fight for disability rights? There are countless ways to get involved. First, sign up to the dpac website www.dpac.uk.net and sign up to email alerts of campaigns and how to submit evidence to inquiry and select committee hearings. Share your testimony of how the cuts have impacted on you – write to your MP, your local councillor, speak to the media, write, take photos make a video, be creative to express your voices. We need as many people as possible now raising their voices in anger, joining the resistance and supporting one another. It is only by uniting and fighting back together, is how we will win against the most pernicious government the UK has ever had.
Thursday, 26 October 2017
Wednesday, 25 October 2017
Dear Friends,
Due to an emergency Paula Peter sent her apologies for last FEEL meeting. However she's sent us the speech she was going to give us, which was discussed at the meeting bit.ly/2lgv6Y1
Some relevant suggestions and updates from Paula in regards to ways to get involved in the fight and protest against the Universal Credit:
1. National Disability Summit - Saturday 4th November 2017 11am to 4.30 pm NUT HQ Marbeldon place, Kings Cross London.
Contact DPAC dpac.uk.net/2017/10/national-disabled-peoples-summit/ or Reclaiming Our Futures Alliance www.rofa.org.uk/; book a place www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/national-disabled-peoples-summit-tickets-38706991654
2. National Day of Action against Universal Credit on 2nd December 2017 across the UK contact Unite Community on how you can support and spread the word.
3. Training workshops. Gail Ward, Disability Campaigner is putting on training workshops around UC, know your rights, the regulations to advocate and support as many people as possible.
Next training workshops in London take place on Saturday 28th October 1pm until 3 pm Anarchist BookFair Park View School, Park View Road, London, N15.
Also on Monday 30th October 11 am until 4pm The Field, 285 Queens Road, New Cross SE15 contact MHRN to book a place on that. Or contact Gail via dpac or black triangle to organise a training workshop; she will need support for funding for acommodation and travel and printing costs of hand outs. Trade Unions please support if you can with funding here.
If you can't get to training workshops, actions on the street. Lobby your MP, and local ward councillor. Go on to parliament website to contact your MP; if you do not know who that is type in your postcode and the details of who it is will come up and how to contact them. Write and email, they do not respond on twitter. Same with ward councillors in your local area.
If you are impacted by UC already and have a story to share contact the local media or national media about it, they always want a story about UC https://dpac.uk.net/2017/10/uc-claimants-share-your-story/
Do signup to DPAC newsletter for regular updates!
Some more info and events.
Anyone Can Make a Film!
Check the new programme that launches October 25, 2017 organised by INUF-Independent Newham Users Forum (Mental Health) Ithaca House, 27 Romford Road, Stratford, E15 4LJ London. Contact Trevor on trevorj@inuf.org www.inuf.org/single-post/2017/10/12/Anyone-Can-MAke-a-Film
National Disabled People’s Summit Saturday 4 November 11am – 4.30pm
NUT headquarters, Hamilton House, Mabledon Place, Kings Cross, London WC1H 9BD
Since 2010 Disabled people have been subject to brutal attacks in every area of our lives caused by the disproportionate impact of austerity measures and the dismantling of the welfare system. In August the United Nations disability committee publicly declared that they are now more worried about the UK than any other country in the entire history of the committee and that UK Government “social cuts” have led to “human catastrophe”. This followed publication at the end of last year of the Committee’s investigation into the UK which found evidence of “grave and systematic violations” of Disabled people’s rights due to welfare reform. Yet the Tory Government continues to deny there is a problem. This summit will bring together Deaf and Disabled people from the trade union movement, Deaf and Disabled People’s Organisations and grassroots campaigns to explore how we can more effectively co-ordinate our resistance and organise joint campaigning in identified areas. The event will be largely workshop based with the aim of each workshop to come up with and agree a campaigns plan that participants will go away and work together to put into action. The idea of the Summit is to inspire concrete activity that will lead to real change. The venue is wheelchair accessible, BSL interpretation will be provided and there will be a quiet room. Lunch will be provided (with thanks to the National Education Union). Please book via: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/national-disabled-peoples-summit-tickets-38706991654 If you are unable to attend in person, we will be livestreaming the plenary. For more information or if you have any access queries please contact: ellen_morrison@hotmail.co.uk
Deaf poets society Talk by Richard D France - Free
09 Nov 2017 18:00 - 20:00 Royal College of Nursing 20 Cavendish Square, Marylebone, London, W1G ORN At this talk and poetry event, Richard will talk about his experiences with the psychiatric system and perform some of his poetry. The event will be introduced by Herbert Klein, Deaf Advisor at Springfield Hospital (National Deaf Services).
This event will have a BSL interpreter. www.rcn.org.uk/news-and-events/events/deaf-poets-society
GOBSCURE in London
-half hour reading in eastham library at 6pm on friday 17th november - all free, all welcome, against a wall of words and arthritis-permitting with a welsh poppy (328 Barking Rd, London E6 2RT)
-joey at camden peoples theatre - 30th november & 1st december at 7:15pm www.cptheatre.co.uk/production/joey-she/
-free zine workshop 30th november 3 - 6pm free www.cptheatre.co.uk/production/theatre-workshop-sean-burn/
camden peoples theatre 58-60 Hampstead Rd, Kings Cross, London NW1 2PY
Together! 2017 Disability Film Festival
The sixth annual Together! Disability Film Festival takes place from 8-10 December 2017 at the Old Town Hall Stratford (see below for full venue details). The Together! Disability Film Festival is the only UK disability film festival that covers all impairment groups, including disabled people with physical and sensory conditions, learning difficulties, mental health difficulties and long-term health conditions. We release the programme with the addition of links to available online versions and trailers each morning, and these remain online in our archive as a portal to Disability Film for programmers and scholars. Entries are being accepted now via film@together2012.org.uk
In addition to any other information you send, please include programme information in the following format: Name of Film; Name of Director; Country of Origin; Year of Completion; Length; Premiere status; Link to any Online Version or Trailer; Access Status (i.e. English captions, audio-description, BSL); + 2/3 sentences of description; and at least 1 still. We accept entries in any format (DVDs and sticks to Together! 2012 CIC, 90A Tudor Road, London E6 1DR), but need the information above via email.
For more information contact Together! 2012 Artistic Director Dr Ju Gosling ju@together2012.org.uk
We now have the criteria that the DWP are using to decide which claimants will be exempt from repeat work capability assessments. Only claimants in the support group will be considered. In addition, claimants will have to have a condition that will last for the rest of their lives with no realistic prospect of recovery including by way of interventions such as transplants. Also, their condition must always cause them to meet one of the support group descriptors. However, this means the DWP are deliberately excluding claimants who are placed in the support group on the grounds that their mental health condition means that there would be a substantial risk to themselves or someone else if they were not placed there. This is in spite of the fact that the DWP will be aware that these are some of the claimants whose health will be most put at risk by the stress of repeated reassessments. There’s more details about who is and isn’t likely to qualify in our full article www.benefitsandwork.co.uk/news/3670-end-to-repeat-wcas-many-mental-health-claimants-will-miss-out?utm_source=iContact&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=benefits-and-work&utm_content=v2+October+18+2017+newsletter
The Psychotherapy and Spirituality Summit -
FREE Online Summit 30 Oct-8 Nov 2017
In recent years we've seen extraordinary breakthroughs from the combination of Western psychotherapy and spiritual practice. From the “mindfulness revolution” to the prescription of yoga for PTSD and other challenges, this emerging synthesis of the scientific and the spiritual is transforming our approach to health and healing. And we've only scratched the surface. With The Psychotherapy and Spirituality Summit, you are invited to explore the profound implications of this uniquely exciting time in history. Beginning on October 30, 2017, 30 leading experts from diverse fields will share their insights into the journey towards becoming a mature, balanced, spiritually open, and psychologically healthy human being. Book FREE place here www.soundstrue.com/store/psychotherapy-and-spirituality-summit/free-registration?hatid=10223e930a78d77ad517669c6d4379&partner=2938
NDACA Introducing the 'Golden Age' of the Disability Arts Movement
The National Disability Arts Collection & Archive (NDACA) Project Team is currently bringing to life the heritage and rich history of the Disability Arts Movement. The Disability Arts Movement is a heritage story that began in the late 1970s and still flourishes today. It involves disabled creatives, activists, their allies and disability arts organisations all over the UK, who campaigned and broke barriers to make real change for disabled people. Change did happen with the Disability Discrimination Act being passed through Parliament in 1995. Along the way to achieving justice and rights, disabled people made the great art, music and culture that chronicles the Disability Arts Movement. Piss on Pity, indeed! www.shapearts.org.uk/Pages/Category/ndaca/Tag/ndaca
Understanding Psychosis and Schizophrenia: Psychologists give new insight into the nature of psychosis
A week after the government announced its review of mental health legislation, an expert report published by the British Psychological Society’s Division of Clinical Psychology challenges received wisdom about the nature of mental illness. The report, Understanding Psychosis and Schizophrenia: Why people sometimes hear voices, believe things that others find strange or appear out of touch with reality, and what can help, has been written by a group of eminent clinical psychologists drawn from eight universities and six NHS trusts, together with people who have themselves experienced psychosis. It provides an accessible overview of the current state of knowledge, and its conclusions have profound implications both for the way we understand ‘mental illness’ and for the future of mental health services. The report can be downloaded free of charge
"A Disorder for Everyone!" - Fri 8 December 09:00 – 17:00
Exploring the culture of psychiatric diagnosis, creating change. (In association with Manchester Rape Crisis)
Methodist Central Buildings Central Hall Oldham Street Manchester M1 1JQ
AD4E is coming to Manchester, this will be our 6th event. We are delighted to be supported by Manchester Rape Crisis Contributors include Dr Lucy Johnstone, Jacqui Dillon, Dr Gary Sidley, Jo Watson & Nollaig McSweeney
Due to an emergency Paula Peter sent her apologies for last FEEL meeting. However she's sent us the speech she was going to give us, which was discussed at the meeting bit.ly/2lgv6Y1
Some relevant suggestions and updates from Paula in regards to ways to get involved in the fight and protest against the Universal Credit:
1. National Disability Summit - Saturday 4th November 2017 11am to 4.30 pm NUT HQ Marbeldon place, Kings Cross London.
Contact DPAC dpac.uk.net/2017/10/national-disabled-peoples-summit/ or Reclaiming Our Futures Alliance www.rofa.org.uk/; book a place www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/national-disabled-peoples-summit-tickets-38706991654
2. National Day of Action against Universal Credit on 2nd December 2017 across the UK contact Unite Community on how you can support and spread the word.
3. Training workshops. Gail Ward, Disability Campaigner is putting on training workshops around UC, know your rights, the regulations to advocate and support as many people as possible.
Next training workshops in London take place on Saturday 28th October 1pm until 3 pm Anarchist BookFair Park View School, Park View Road, London, N15.
Also on Monday 30th October 11 am until 4pm The Field, 285 Queens Road, New Cross SE15 contact MHRN to book a place on that. Or contact Gail via dpac or black triangle to organise a training workshop; she will need support for funding for acommodation and travel and printing costs of hand outs. Trade Unions please support if you can with funding here.
If you can't get to training workshops, actions on the street. Lobby your MP, and local ward councillor. Go on to parliament website to contact your MP; if you do not know who that is type in your postcode and the details of who it is will come up and how to contact them. Write and email, they do not respond on twitter. Same with ward councillors in your local area.
If you are impacted by UC already and have a story to share contact the local media or national media about it, they always want a story about UC https://dpac.uk.net/2017/10/uc-claimants-share-your-story/
Do signup to DPAC newsletter for regular updates!
Some more info and events.
Anyone Can Make a Film!
Check the new programme that launches October 25, 2017 organised by INUF-Independent Newham Users Forum (Mental Health) Ithaca House, 27 Romford Road, Stratford, E15 4LJ London. Contact Trevor on trevorj@inuf.org www.inuf.org/single-post/2017/10/12/Anyone-Can-MAke-a-Film
National Disabled People’s Summit Saturday 4 November 11am – 4.30pm
NUT headquarters, Hamilton House, Mabledon Place, Kings Cross, London WC1H 9BD
Since 2010 Disabled people have been subject to brutal attacks in every area of our lives caused by the disproportionate impact of austerity measures and the dismantling of the welfare system. In August the United Nations disability committee publicly declared that they are now more worried about the UK than any other country in the entire history of the committee and that UK Government “social cuts” have led to “human catastrophe”. This followed publication at the end of last year of the Committee’s investigation into the UK which found evidence of “grave and systematic violations” of Disabled people’s rights due to welfare reform. Yet the Tory Government continues to deny there is a problem. This summit will bring together Deaf and Disabled people from the trade union movement, Deaf and Disabled People’s Organisations and grassroots campaigns to explore how we can more effectively co-ordinate our resistance and organise joint campaigning in identified areas. The event will be largely workshop based with the aim of each workshop to come up with and agree a campaigns plan that participants will go away and work together to put into action. The idea of the Summit is to inspire concrete activity that will lead to real change. The venue is wheelchair accessible, BSL interpretation will be provided and there will be a quiet room. Lunch will be provided (with thanks to the National Education Union). Please book via: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/national-disabled-peoples-summit-tickets-38706991654 If you are unable to attend in person, we will be livestreaming the plenary. For more information or if you have any access queries please contact: ellen_morrison@hotmail.co.uk
Deaf poets society Talk by Richard D France - Free
09 Nov 2017 18:00 - 20:00 Royal College of Nursing 20 Cavendish Square, Marylebone, London, W1G ORN At this talk and poetry event, Richard will talk about his experiences with the psychiatric system and perform some of his poetry. The event will be introduced by Herbert Klein, Deaf Advisor at Springfield Hospital (National Deaf Services).
This event will have a BSL interpreter. www.rcn.org.uk/news-and-events/events/deaf-poets-society
GOBSCURE in London
-half hour reading in eastham library at 6pm on friday 17th november - all free, all welcome, against a wall of words and arthritis-permitting with a welsh poppy (328 Barking Rd, London E6 2RT)
-joey at camden peoples theatre - 30th november & 1st december at 7:15pm www.cptheatre.co.uk/production/joey-she/
-free zine workshop 30th november 3 - 6pm free www.cptheatre.co.uk/production/theatre-workshop-sean-burn/
camden peoples theatre 58-60 Hampstead Rd, Kings Cross, London NW1 2PY
Together! 2017 Disability Film Festival
The sixth annual Together! Disability Film Festival takes place from 8-10 December 2017 at the Old Town Hall Stratford (see below for full venue details). The Together! Disability Film Festival is the only UK disability film festival that covers all impairment groups, including disabled people with physical and sensory conditions, learning difficulties, mental health difficulties and long-term health conditions. We release the programme with the addition of links to available online versions and trailers each morning, and these remain online in our archive as a portal to Disability Film for programmers and scholars. Entries are being accepted now via film@together2012.org.uk
In addition to any other information you send, please include programme information in the following format: Name of Film; Name of Director; Country of Origin; Year of Completion; Length; Premiere status; Link to any Online Version or Trailer; Access Status (i.e. English captions, audio-description, BSL); + 2/3 sentences of description; and at least 1 still. We accept entries in any format (DVDs and sticks to Together! 2012 CIC, 90A Tudor Road, London E6 1DR), but need the information above via email.
For more information contact Together! 2012 Artistic Director Dr Ju Gosling ju@together2012.org.uk
We now have the criteria that the DWP are using to decide which claimants will be exempt from repeat work capability assessments. Only claimants in the support group will be considered. In addition, claimants will have to have a condition that will last for the rest of their lives with no realistic prospect of recovery including by way of interventions such as transplants. Also, their condition must always cause them to meet one of the support group descriptors. However, this means the DWP are deliberately excluding claimants who are placed in the support group on the grounds that their mental health condition means that there would be a substantial risk to themselves or someone else if they were not placed there. This is in spite of the fact that the DWP will be aware that these are some of the claimants whose health will be most put at risk by the stress of repeated reassessments. There’s more details about who is and isn’t likely to qualify in our full article www.benefitsandwork.co.uk/news/3670-end-to-repeat-wcas-many-mental-health-claimants-will-miss-out?utm_source=iContact&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=benefits-and-work&utm_content=v2+October+18+2017+newsletter
The Psychotherapy and Spirituality Summit -
FREE Online Summit 30 Oct-8 Nov 2017
In recent years we've seen extraordinary breakthroughs from the combination of Western psychotherapy and spiritual practice. From the “mindfulness revolution” to the prescription of yoga for PTSD and other challenges, this emerging synthesis of the scientific and the spiritual is transforming our approach to health and healing. And we've only scratched the surface. With The Psychotherapy and Spirituality Summit, you are invited to explore the profound implications of this uniquely exciting time in history. Beginning on October 30, 2017, 30 leading experts from diverse fields will share their insights into the journey towards becoming a mature, balanced, spiritually open, and psychologically healthy human being. Book FREE place here www.soundstrue.com/store/psychotherapy-and-spirituality-summit/free-registration?hatid=10223e930a78d77ad517669c6d4379&partner=2938
NDACA Introducing the 'Golden Age' of the Disability Arts Movement
The National Disability Arts Collection & Archive (NDACA) Project Team is currently bringing to life the heritage and rich history of the Disability Arts Movement. The Disability Arts Movement is a heritage story that began in the late 1970s and still flourishes today. It involves disabled creatives, activists, their allies and disability arts organisations all over the UK, who campaigned and broke barriers to make real change for disabled people. Change did happen with the Disability Discrimination Act being passed through Parliament in 1995. Along the way to achieving justice and rights, disabled people made the great art, music and culture that chronicles the Disability Arts Movement. Piss on Pity, indeed! www.shapearts.org.uk/Pages/Category/ndaca/Tag/ndaca
Understanding Psychosis and Schizophrenia: Psychologists give new insight into the nature of psychosis
A week after the government announced its review of mental health legislation, an expert report published by the British Psychological Society’s Division of Clinical Psychology challenges received wisdom about the nature of mental illness. The report, Understanding Psychosis and Schizophrenia: Why people sometimes hear voices, believe things that others find strange or appear out of touch with reality, and what can help, has been written by a group of eminent clinical psychologists drawn from eight universities and six NHS trusts, together with people who have themselves experienced psychosis. It provides an accessible overview of the current state of knowledge, and its conclusions have profound implications both for the way we understand ‘mental illness’ and for the future of mental health services. The report can be downloaded free of charge
"A Disorder for Everyone!" - Fri 8 December 09:00 – 17:00
Exploring the culture of psychiatric diagnosis, creating change. (In association with Manchester Rape Crisis)
Methodist Central Buildings Central Hall Oldham Street Manchester M1 1JQ
AD4E is coming to Manchester, this will be our 6th event. We are delighted to be supported by Manchester Rape Crisis Contributors include Dr Lucy Johnstone, Jacqui Dillon, Dr Gary Sidley, Jo Watson & Nollaig McSweeney
Friday, 6 October 2017
October Newsletter - FEEL meeting Mon 16 Oct @ LARC
Dear Friends,
Next week is the usual date for World Mental Health Day: 10 October as each year gets overly loaded with events and programs to raise awareness on mental health. You should be able to find events happening locally to you with ease. It is a shame that these mostly ignore the damages caused by the most popular way to deal with peoples problems: medications and their severe and problematic side effects.
Following the recent event in Las Vegas there have been plenty of articles of professionals circulating in regards to the DANGERS of medications (since patients complains are SHAMEFULLY often ignored). I invite you to read this
While deaths within hospitals are often labelled as 'cardiac arrest' (that's obvious, isn't it?) so that the real effect and cause of death can be sweep under the rugs, I am profoundly saddened that one more victim has just happened again recently and locally.
In the main time APRIL - Adverse Psychiatric Reactions Information Link web site is back on line www.april.org.uk
Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) and withdrawal effects changing mood and behaviour need to be studied and understood, the website says. I would add that alternatives and more gentle and OBVIOUS ways to deal with peoples distress should be more readily available.
Not forgetting the CRAZY world we are living in where it's impossible not to be affected and disturbed by.
Next Monday 16th October at our FEEL monthly meeting we'll have a special guest: Paula Peters (DPAC & MHRN) will kindly visit to share some very delicate information. Paula says: "The UK was the first state to be formally investigated under the UNCRPD. The first state to be found guilty of grave and systematic human rights violations towards disabled people. UNCRPD found that the impact of the cuts on disabled people are causing a human catastrophe. Just a heads up for anyone who end up losing their home because of DWP sanctions that remove their JSA and ESA. Please ensure that you or anyone you know who is sanctioned understands that there is help. If your money is stopped you can go to the council and fill in a Nil Income form. That will reinstate rent and council tax and give access to further help like meter credits, foodbank vouchers and emergency cash payments. This info is not readily available sadly and it should be. The authorities will only deal with it if you ask specifically which is a disgrace. So if your benefits have been sanctioned then remember help is still available."
At the meeting we'll also talk about the recent WCA, ESA and UC changes that have been announced last week www.gov.uk/government/publications/employment-and-support-allowance-and-universal-credit-changes-to-the-work-capability-assessment/employment-and-support-allowance-and-universal-credit-changes-to-the-work-capability-assessment-from-29-september-2017 and more. Do join us from 6:30 at LARC.
Tomorrow RD Laing would have celebrated his 90th birthday.
Coincidentally there will be an event at Kingsley Hall, not related, see below.
SCN talk – Managing the Threshold £5 (free for SCN members and friends). Tickets available on the door.Saturday 7th October 7.00- 9.00 pm Kingsley Hall, Powis Rd London, E3 3HJ
Between everyday reality and that encountered in Spiritual Crisis (sometimes labelled Psychosis)Evening discussion and social with Daniel Hadjiandeou and Isabel Clarke
COUNTER | CULTURE – Curated by Dee Sada £10/£8 (adv.), £6 members
Sunday 8 Oct, 7.30pm Cafe OTO 18–22 Ashwin street Dalston London E8 3DL
- Screening of 'Estate' dir. by Andrea Luka Zimmerman (2015) 85 mins and Q&A with Andrea Zimmerman.
- Shy Radicals: The Anti-Systemic Politics of the Introvert Militant (2017) Hamja Ahsan book talk
- Screening of 'Lift' dir. by Marc Isaacs (2001) 24 mins
- LIVE: ORAL ORAL (Dee Sada-drums/bass/electronics, Mario Siebert-guitar, Max Allen-vox, Princess Julia-vox).
Diaspora Dialogue’ Exhibition
Wed 18th to Tue 24th October 2017 from 10:30am to 5:00pm
Winns Gallery, Aveling Centre, Lloyd Park, London E17 5JW
The exhibition will provide an opportunity for emerging artist of African Caribbean descent to show their work alongside work of more established artist, creating a platform for those who lack the opportunity, knowledge or confidence to give their work exposure. www.aliciadean-artworks.co.uk www.blaqjacq.wixsite.com/jacqueline-mcfarlane

London Anarchist Bookfair 2017
Saturday 28th October from 10am to 7pm. Park View School West, Green Road, London, N15 3QR
If you look at the Meetings page you can see all the meetings on the day, so you can start planning early what you want to go to. The Film room is slightly different this year in that it will be both films and live entertainment in room P5. The Other Events page has events going on once the Bookfair is finished for your evening entertainment. These are not organised by the bookfair collective but they are raising money to support the day’s activities. If you have any access requirements, please check out the Access page. Free child care is provided from 10am to 6pm for kids from 2 to 12.
6th British Congress on Medicine and Spirituality £40 – £140
Sat 11 + Sun 12 November 2017 from 09:00am to 18:00pm
Rudolf Steiner House, 35 Park Road, Baker Street London NW1 6XT
A two-day event organised by the International Spiritist Medical Association (AME International) and the British Union of Spiritist Societies (BUSS) which occurs every two years.
The speakers will discuss the paradigm of integrative medicine and the goal to bridge medicine and spirituality, focusing on treatments that champion the body-mind-spirit concept www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/6th-british-congress-on-medicine-and-spirituality-tickets-31875960857
Next week is the usual date for World Mental Health Day: 10 October as each year gets overly loaded with events and programs to raise awareness on mental health. You should be able to find events happening locally to you with ease. It is a shame that these mostly ignore the damages caused by the most popular way to deal with peoples problems: medications and their severe and problematic side effects.
Following the recent event in Las Vegas there have been plenty of articles of professionals circulating in regards to the DANGERS of medications (since patients complains are SHAMEFULLY often ignored). I invite you to read this
While deaths within hospitals are often labelled as 'cardiac arrest' (that's obvious, isn't it?) so that the real effect and cause of death can be sweep under the rugs, I am profoundly saddened that one more victim has just happened again recently and locally.
In the main time APRIL - Adverse Psychiatric Reactions Information Link web site is back on line www.april.org.uk
Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) and withdrawal effects changing mood and behaviour need to be studied and understood, the website says. I would add that alternatives and more gentle and OBVIOUS ways to deal with peoples distress should be more readily available.
Not forgetting the CRAZY world we are living in where it's impossible not to be affected and disturbed by.
Next Monday 16th October at our FEEL monthly meeting we'll have a special guest: Paula Peters (DPAC & MHRN) will kindly visit to share some very delicate information. Paula says: "The UK was the first state to be formally investigated under the UNCRPD. The first state to be found guilty of grave and systematic human rights violations towards disabled people. UNCRPD found that the impact of the cuts on disabled people are causing a human catastrophe. Just a heads up for anyone who end up losing their home because of DWP sanctions that remove their JSA and ESA. Please ensure that you or anyone you know who is sanctioned understands that there is help. If your money is stopped you can go to the council and fill in a Nil Income form. That will reinstate rent and council tax and give access to further help like meter credits, foodbank vouchers and emergency cash payments. This info is not readily available sadly and it should be. The authorities will only deal with it if you ask specifically which is a disgrace. So if your benefits have been sanctioned then remember help is still available."
At the meeting we'll also talk about the recent WCA, ESA and UC changes that have been announced last week www.gov.uk/government/publications/employment-and-support-allowance-and-universal-credit-changes-to-the-work-capability-assessment/employment-and-support-allowance-and-universal-credit-changes-to-the-work-capability-assessment-from-29-september-2017 and more. Do join us from 6:30 at LARC.
Tomorrow RD Laing would have celebrated his 90th birthday.
Coincidentally there will be an event at Kingsley Hall, not related, see below.
SCN talk – Managing the Threshold £5 (free for SCN members and friends). Tickets available on the door.Saturday 7th October 7.00- 9.00 pm Kingsley Hall, Powis Rd London, E3 3HJ
Between everyday reality and that encountered in Spiritual Crisis (sometimes labelled Psychosis)Evening discussion and social with Daniel Hadjiandeou and Isabel Clarke
COUNTER | CULTURE – Curated by Dee Sada £10/£8 (adv.), £6 members
Sunday 8 Oct, 7.30pm Cafe OTO 18–22 Ashwin street Dalston London E8 3DL
- Screening of 'Estate' dir. by Andrea Luka Zimmerman (2015) 85 mins and Q&A with Andrea Zimmerman.
- Shy Radicals: The Anti-Systemic Politics of the Introvert Militant (2017) Hamja Ahsan book talk
- Screening of 'Lift' dir. by Marc Isaacs (2001) 24 mins
- LIVE: ORAL ORAL (Dee Sada-drums/bass/electronics, Mario Siebert-guitar, Max Allen-vox, Princess Julia-vox).
Diaspora Dialogue’ Exhibition
Wed 18th to Tue 24th October 2017 from 10:30am to 5:00pm
Winns Gallery, Aveling Centre, Lloyd Park, London E17 5JW
The exhibition will provide an opportunity for emerging artist of African Caribbean descent to show their work alongside work of more established artist, creating a platform for those who lack the opportunity, knowledge or confidence to give their work exposure. www.aliciadean-artworks.co.uk www.blaqjacq.wixsite.com/jacqueline-mcfarlane

London Anarchist Bookfair 2017
Saturday 28th October from 10am to 7pm. Park View School West, Green Road, London, N15 3QR
If you look at the Meetings page you can see all the meetings on the day, so you can start planning early what you want to go to. The Film room is slightly different this year in that it will be both films and live entertainment in room P5. The Other Events page has events going on once the Bookfair is finished for your evening entertainment. These are not organised by the bookfair collective but they are raising money to support the day’s activities. If you have any access requirements, please check out the Access page. Free child care is provided from 10am to 6pm for kids from 2 to 12.
6th British Congress on Medicine and Spirituality £40 – £140
Sat 11 + Sun 12 November 2017 from 09:00am to 18:00pm
Rudolf Steiner House, 35 Park Road, Baker Street London NW1 6XT
A two-day event organised by the International Spiritist Medical Association (AME International) and the British Union of Spiritist Societies (BUSS) which occurs every two years.
The speakers will discuss the paradigm of integrative medicine and the goal to bridge medicine and spirituality, focusing on treatments that champion the body-mind-spirit concept www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/6th-british-congress-on-medicine-and-spirituality-tickets-31875960857
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