Welcome to the October Newsletter and our monthly meeting reminder.
We look forward to seeing you next Monday the 21st October, 6:30-8:30pm at LARC, 62 Fieldgate Street, Whitechapel.
Per usual the 10th October was filled with events of any type, length and tendency, for the recurring World Mental Health Day.
The event that caught my attention and respect the most was the reclaimed Victims Of Psychiatrists DAY www.psychvictims.com/events/view/reclaim-the-day-for-victims-of-psychiatrists Thank you guys for organising it!
politicaldig.com/big-pharma- ceo-says-profits-over-people
Not a surprise as the whole medical system, from education to services, is so biased by corporate propaganda.
Not a surprise as the whole medical system, from education to services, is so biased by corporate propaganda.
But how were things before conventional medicine surfaced?
According to estimates of the World Health Organisation, 80% of the world, especially those living in Asia, Latin America and Africa, still relies on herbal medicine www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3887317In the main time people are still being used as guinea pigs in meds trials, because this mean profit of course; from random trials in hospitals www.fundingawards.nihr.ac.uk/award/16/157/02 to transdermal patches www.medscape.com/viewarticle/
Wouldn't you find it scary to be the recipient?
After the Royal College of Psychiatrists (finally!) admitted this year that coming off antidepressants can cause side effects lasting for months
www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7084025/Royal-College-Pyschiatrists-warn-doctors-anti-depressants-dangerous-effects.html Public Health
England (PHE) has published the first ever evidence review of dependence and withdrawal problems associated with five commonly prescribed classes of medicines in England phe-newsroom.prgloo.com/news/dependence-on-prescription-medicines-linked-to-deprivation
After the Royal College of Psychiatrists (finally!) admitted this year that coming off antidepressants can cause side effects lasting for months
www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7084025/Royal-College-Pyschiatrists-warn-doctors-anti-depressants-dangerous-effects.html Public Health
England (PHE) has published the first ever evidence review of dependence and withdrawal problems associated with five commonly prescribed classes of medicines in England phe-newsroom.prgloo.com/news/dependence-on-prescription-medicines-linked-to-deprivation
The NICE (National Institute for Clinical Excellence) guidelines have at last been updated. NICE’s previous guideline, which was originally published in 2009 and updated last year, said that withdrawal symptoms are “usually mild and self limiting over about one week.”
Hopefully a proper enquiry and accountability of responsibility of such mockery will follow.
Thanks to all of those that fought for this step forward to be reached.
Yet, these are only a small fraction of all meds prescribed freely, some unnecessarily for life!
We know that mental health issues are increasing, yet when poverty, poor employment and education, disability are the cause a drug might not be the solution.
We know that mental health issues are increasing, yet when poverty, poor employment and education, disability are the cause a drug might not be the solution.
Anyone willing to come off psychiatric medication please always seek for reliable help.
Some good resources can be found here:
There seem to be a new trend among some of the major London's Galleries and Museum, exhibiting protest art and memorabilia
There's currently 3, going to four soon friends-of-east-end-loonies.blogspot.com/2019/10/protests-exhibited-in-museums-new-trend.html
So, thank you to all activists and survivors, the grass roots movements, the allies and those that believe that the change in the system is not only possible, but it is happening. Work of love and compassion out of the suffering.
Introduction to Psychedelic Science with Dr David Luke, by University of Greenwich Psychedelic Society
Fri 18 Oct, 7-9:30pmQueen Anne building, Room 080, University of Greenwich, London SE10 9LS
An introductory talk by a leading researcher about past and current research in psychedelics
An introductory talk by a leading researcher about past and current research in psychedelics
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From the 1st October until November the BMHF are running a series or Workshops and Events
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Black History Month 2019
NSUN Members' Event and AGM 2019 - The Value of User-led Groups
Thu, 24 October, 10:30 – 16:30 pm, Priory Street Centre, 15 Priory Street, York YO1 6ET
www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/nsun- members-event-and-agm-2019- the-value-of-user-led-groups- tickets-69003937635
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NSUN Members' Event and AGM 2019 - The Value of User-led Groups
Thu, 24 October, 10:30 – 16:30 pm, Priory Street Centre, 15 Priory Street, York YO1 6ET
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Thu 24 October, 2:30-7:30 pm, New Testament Assembly, 7 Beechcroft Road, Tooting London SW17 7BU
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Saturday 26 October, 9:00am – 5:30pm, Elmfield Rudolf Steiner School, 14 Love Lane, Stourbridge, DY8 2DZ
Robert Dellar Memorial Lecture
Saturday, 26 October 14:00, Bethlem Royal Hospital - Monks Orchard Road - Beckenham BR3 3BX
Saturday, 26 October 14:00, Bethlem Royal Hospital - Monks Orchard Road - Beckenham BR3 3BX
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4.48 psychosis - revival
deafinitely theatre co-production with New Diorama Theatre
29th October - 23rd November, UK Tour
www.deafinitelytheatre.co.uk/ Event/448-psychosis-revival
29th October - 23rd November, UK Tour
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Tower Hamlets annual free fireworks display on Sunday at 3 November at 7pm in Victoria Park.
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Monday 11 November, 6:30–8pm. Drop-in at Dragon CafĂ©
Join Dolly Sen and a group of artists, activists, writers and performers for a resurrection of Bonkersfest, the celebration of all things creative, eccentric and crazy.
Monday 11 November, 6:30–8pm. Drop-in at Dragon CafĂ©
Join Dolly Sen and a group of artists, activists, writers and performers for a resurrection of Bonkersfest, the celebration of all things creative, eccentric and crazy.
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9th and 10th November, Rudolf Steiner House, 35 Park Road, London NW1 6XT
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Our 50-year psychiatry war, by Dr Bob Johnson
A medical disaster hit US-psychiatry 40 years ago, in the form of the DSM-III, the so-called psychiatrists’ bible.
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Extracts from the recent Mental Health Nurse Research Conference (13.09.19) podcasts on Sound Cloud and Recovery in the Bin keynote talk 'Neorecovery: A Survivor Led Conceptualisation And Critique' recoveryinthebin. org/2019/09/16/__trashed-2
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International Institute for Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal meeting last September voted to endorse the recommendations of the recent Public Health England [PHE] review of ‘Dependence and withdrawal associated with prescribed medicines’ and pledged to try to implement them in the 15 countries they are from, and beyond iipdw.org/uk-national-institute-for-health-and-care-excellence-nice-updates-antidepressant-withdrawal-guidance
Mental health discharge experience survey
If you have been discharged from hospital within the last FIVE years can you help?
Free Fiona Smith, #Right2Refuse protester & platypus advocate
Beth's Boxing Fight
www.justgiving.com/ fundraising/beth-ingram1
Don’t follow Trump into another gulf war
you.38degrees.org.uk/Ban facial recognition scan
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